Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists


Selected references
Asian Development Bank
Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) under the Skills for Competiveness (S4C) project (2020-2025)
The S4C project aims at enhancing the skills and competitiveness of Cambodia’s industrial sector labour force by developing human resources to work as a skilled workforce in four priority sectors, namely, manufacturing, construction, electricity and electronics. It supports the transformation of five training institutes and strengthens the industry’s engagement in skills development.
French Development Agency
Cambodian Rubber International Certificate Issuance and Commercialization Support (2005-2009)
The main objective of this project is to increase income for all stakeholders in the Cambodian rubber commodity chain. It aims: (1) to reorganize the commodity chain to achieve better commercial equity between the different stakeholders; (2) to secure additional currency earnings for the country in order to rectify an estimated loss of 8 million dollars per year due to discounting of Cambodian natural rubber on the international market; (3) to ensure higher employment in the sector on both smallholdings and estates.
French Development Agency
Reinforcement Programme of Commercial Capacity for the Tourism Sector (2018-2022)
The general objective of this assignment is to help the PMU to strengthen the commercial capacity of the tourism sector in Cambodia by building the capacity of private and public stakeholders, structuring public-private partnerships, and developing innovative commercial strategies.
Strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Tourism, private tourism operators and professional associations is thus at the core of this assignment, which is structured in four components:
Component 1: Assisting the PMU in structuring and strengthening the capacity of the private sector;
Component 2: Assisting the PMU in strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Tourism;
Component 3: Assisting the PMU in developing studies and pilot projects;
Component 4: Strengthening the PMU in terms of project management.
Asian Development Bank
Supporting the School Sector Development Plan (SSDP) - External Monitoring, Review and Evaluation Team (2019-2022)
The main objective of the assignment is to support the SSDP programme’s secretariat and development partners by undertaking a mid-term review (2019), annual fiduciary reviews (2019-2021), and final evaluation (2021) of the SSDP. Other ad hoc reviews of programmatic elements as and when required.
European Union
Trade and Innovation Support in India (2023-2026)
The objective of the project is to reinforce EU-India cooperation on trade, innovation and digitalisation in line with mutually agreed priorities.
Under Component 1, the project supports the three streams of EU-India negotiations (a Free Trade Agreement, a Geographical Indications Agreement and an Investment Protection Agreement). The support is provided through sectoral studies, stakeholder consultations, communication, policy advocacy, technical/legal analysis of market access barriers, etc., as well as via the support to the establishment of an EU-India Chamber of Commerce. Under Component 2, the project supports the Trade and Technology Council and the Connectivity Partnership. The action assists in mapping the Indian needs and matching European offers in priority sectors and developing tools to facilitate assessment and access to the Indian markets for European incubators, accelerators and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The project also aims to design and create a sustainable and effective online platform connecting the two ecosystems.
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