Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Central Africa

Selected references
Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Benin
African Development Bank
Technical Assistance to the ECOWAS Commission for the Study on the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway (2020-2022)
The 1,028-km six-lane homogeneous Highway from Abidjan to Lagos is a major Transport Infrastructure Project for Western Africa. The ECOWAS Commission ensures the implementation of the technical studies and related activities. These large-scale engineering studies, coupled with the development of a construction strategy and motorway operating procedures through PPP, are complex services to handle by contracting authorities and involve significant budgets. Furthermore, three Design and Engineering (D&E) firms are contracted to carry out the technical studies, dividing the corridor into three lots and requiring strong supervision to ensure effective coordination of the studies. Therefore, the aim of the Technical Assistance (TA) Services is to: (i) support the PIU with the diverse nature of studies being pursued under the Programme, (ii) serve as an interface with all stakeholders, (iii) support ECOWAS in anticipating urgent actions, and (iv) take the necessary decisions regarding technical, legal and financial expertise to allow ECOWAS and the authorised agencies of Member States to effectively manage all phases of each service component provided for in the study.
European Union
Technical Assistance for the Coordination of EU-Funded Interventions at the Lake Chad Basin (2024-2025)
The primary goal of the Technical Assistance is to strengthen coordinated action between the European Union, its development partners and the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) in the Lake Chad Basin region, by ensuring alignment with the EU’s overall objectives and the LCBC’s Regional Strategy. The consultant provides project management support to strengthen the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EU-funded actions, including through regular reporting on emerging challenges encountered and suggested remedies. The Technical Assistance also focuses on capacity strengthening of the LCBC in project coordination.
Central African Republic
World Bank
Study on the updating of the Forestry Code (2023-2024)
The aim of the study is to revise the CAR's forestry code and its implementing texts in line with both the guidelines set out in the forestry policy approved in 2021 and the international commitments made by the CAR (national timber processing in line with the CEMAC decision, international Forest-Climate rules, FLEGT VPA agreements).
Agri-logistical study of the distribution chains and infrastructures of urban wholesale markets in Nigeria (2023-2024)
The mission's objective is to provide the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Agriculture with strategic recommendations for structuring the supply of fresh produce to the country's six largest cities. This strategic plan aims at creating a framework for modernising the wholesale trade to supply the major cities and peri-urban areas, while ensuring the proper structuring of the Nigerian agri-food value chain.
Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Chad
Development of the common mining policy in the CEMAC zone (2022-2024)
Within an overall objective of developing a Strategic Framework dedicated to the emergence of a sustainable industrialisation, in service of the development of the Central African sub-region's integration, the project's specific objectives are: (i) the development of a Common Mining Policy for the CEMAC zone, (ii) development of a Strategic Plan for implementing this policy, and (iii) the identification of an appropriate Institutional Framewprk for implementing the strategic plan.
European Union
Competitiveness Support Facility for Cameroon (DACC) (2020-2023)
The Competitiveness Support System in Cameroon (DACC) aims to strengthen Cameroon's economy and jobs creation by improving the competitiveness of the private sector and the capacity of enterprises to integrate into regional and international value chains, and take advantage of new trade agreements such as the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
The support is demand driven and is being implemented directly by a long term TA/PMU team and by short term technical experts, mainly through institutional capacity building of Intermediary Organisations representing the private sector.
French Development Agency
Technical assistance to the contracting authority under the Programme for investment in Gabon’s basic education sector (PISE), construction of 13 schools (2019-2023)
- Support to manage and monitor the planning, identify new sites, and manage the overall financial envelope;
- Monitoring of the preparation of the construction programme;
- Follow-up, control and administrative, technical and budgetary monitoring of the works;
- Assistance with the provisional and final acceptance;
- Procurement of equipment;
- Commissioning of the infrastructure and maintenance equipment.
European Union
Technical Assistance in support of public finance management reforms, Cameroon (2019-2023)
The general objective of the project was to provide Cameroon with a transparent and efficient public finance management (PFM) system that complies with international standards, respects the legal and regulatory prerogatives and attributions of institutions and administrations, as well as those of other PFM actors, and resolutely places public finances at the service of the country's development and the well-being of its citizens.
The project consisted of:
- institutional and organisational support to strengthen internal and external controls in order to improve the accountability of public institutions through more efficient and coherent oversight bodies at the level of:
• judicial oversight, by the Chamber of Auditors and the High Council of the State,
• parliamentary oversight, and
• administrative oversight;
- institutional and organisational support to strengthen tax policy and administration in order to broaden the non-oil tax base.
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