Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Central Africa

Selected references
World Bank
Formalisation of artisanal miners into cooperatives and small-scale miners into larger mineral and financial enterprises together with the design and implementation of an ASM remote-sensing monitoring system in the mining and steel sector (2019-2022)
With the Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification Project (MinDiver), the Nigerian government is willing to diversify its revenue sources and to increase its income from the mining sector, in particular from the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sub-sector which prevails in the country.
This contract consists in the setting up of an IT unit with a GIS, database and remote-sensing applications to promote data acquisition by Ministry staff, the identification of areas of high mining interest by applying a remote-sensing monitoring system and field data acquisition, their analysis and interpretation, and, finally, the elaboration of a strategy for ASM formalisation by building the capacity of the administration and operators.
European Union
Regional Technical Assistance to the PASTOR Programme (Structural support programme for pastoral development) (2017-2022)
Technical assistance to the Ministry of Livestock and Animal Production (MEPA) for the implementation of the PASTOR programme, which aimed to promote the concerted and sustainable use of Chad's pastoral resources, by creating jobs for young pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and farmers, and by strengthening their resilience.
PASTOR took place in the central (Lake Fitri and Guéra), eastern (Ennedi, Wadi Fira, Ouaddaï, Sila and Salamat) and southern regions (Mandoul and Moyen Chari) of Chad.
The regional activities were implemented by four consortia of NGOs that are beneficiaries of EU grant contracts, totalling €12.4m.
World Bank
Privatisation of the company HEVEGAB. (2002-2004)
Support to the privatisation of HEVEGAG: (1) company financial restructuring, (2) definition of the assets to be privatised, (3) privatisation strategy for the remaining plantations, (4) study and proposal of privatisation scenarios, (5) issuance of bidding documents, (6) monitoring of the actions to be carried out prior to company privatisation.
Conduct of studies for the construction of a Dry Port in N'Gueli (2021-2023)
Within the framework of deepening integration by reducing the duration and cost of goods transit following the decongestion of the Douala Autonomous Port in favour of the relocation of port transit operations, the objective is to improve customs clearance conditions between Cameroon and Chad, reduce transport costs, improve the fluidity of traffic and reduce customs clearance time as well as physical and non-physical barriers along the corridor.
The N'gueli dry port will be a multifunctional customs clearance platform dedicated to the relocation of port operations, including, among others: (i) buildings (ii) a weighing station (iii) an autonomous water supply system; (iv) an autonomous electricity supply system (v) an autonomous wastewater treatment system (vi) an autonomous system for the recycling and recovery of waste (v) roads and various networks, and (vi) and fences.
World Bank
Human Resources Management and Staff Training Enhancement (2009)
The KADSEEDS (Kaduna State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy) programme is focused on the implementation of good governance principles and practise in Kaduna State institutions at all levels. Through the human resource component, determining the actual size of the civil service in Kaduna State, harmonisation of the nominal and payrolls, reforming the service to concentrate the engagement of staff in critical areas, development of a strong human resource information system, and enhancing staff training.
Central African Republic
World Bank
Development of a National Master Plan for Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution (2021-2022)
Within the framework of the Water and Electricity Services Improvement Project (Projet d’Amélioration des Services d’Eau et d’Electricité - PASEEL) financed by the World Bank, the main objective of this mission is to draw up a plan for the optimised development of the means of power generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy in the Central African Republic over a period of 20 years (2020-2040) in order to meet the energy and power demands of the population and the national economy and to facilitate the integration of renewable energies.
SOFRECO carried out three master plans for power generation, transmission and distribution and also developed ESIA screening, a Geographic Information System (GIS), a financial and economic analysis, a modelling and an investment plan; static and dynamic simulations of the electrical system as well as a study of the tariff implications of the master plans.
French Development Agency
Establishment and management of the Support Unit to the preparation of an additional French bilateral phase to the HIPC (Highly Indebted Poor Countries) initiative in Cameroon. (2002-2003)
The Support Unit is responsible for managing studies and audits aimed at designing and launching programmes which are eligible for financing by the AFD within the framework of the bilateral HIPC initiative.
Central African Republic
European Union
Final evaluation of the Gender programme (phases 1 and 2) (2020-2021)
The objective of this mission is to provide the stakeholders (EU, Central African Republic, Member States of the Bêkou Fund, the Ministry for the Promotion of Women, Family and Child Protection [MPFFPE], implementing partners, Central African civil society and final beneficiaries) with an overall analysis of the programme’s performance, lessons learned and related conclusions and recommendations.
One of the evaluation’s specific objectives is to help formulate subsequent action on gender to consolidate the achievements and ensure that they last. The analysis therefore focuses on explaining the performance of the action, and its decisive and constricting factors, and should enable forward-looking recommendations to be identified for all stakeholders.
The statement of lessons learned and good practices should act as a basis for the planning of the EU’s future actions and interventions.
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