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Consulting - Engineering - Training |
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References by geographical area |
References by field of expertise |
| | | | Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.
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| | | | We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.
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| | | | Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists
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Technical assistance for the establishment of the National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) in Niger (2017-2022) |
The goal of the ‘National Information Platform for Nutrition’ initiative is to produce nutrition-related information, then to generate requests for information in order to stimulate public debate, and to reformulate analysis plans for decision-makers, stakeholders, or partners concerned by the field of nutrition. The technical assistance provides its support in order to: - ensure methodological rigour in the data production and analysis process; - develop a training plan for the main stakeholders (nutrition-sensitive, decision analysis, method for analysing the results of nutritional surveys, design and management of on-line databases, etc.); - set up tools for storing and sharing statistical data and information on the nutritional situation (platform); - make information on the nutritional situation accessible to all sections of the public, and particularly useable by the public authorities for decision-making and strategic purposes. |
| Technical assistance to the inter-branch organisation for rice in Mali (IFRIZ) (2019-2022) |
Strengthening of the structuring, functioning and capacities of Mali’s inter-branch organisation for rice (IFRIZ) to enable it to fully carry out its missions. |
| Support to build the capacities of the Planning and Statistics Unit of the Rural Development Sector and of other actors involved in the statistics system of Mali's agricultural sector (2018-2022) |
This TA assignment is to assist the Planning and Statistics Unit of the Rural Development Sector and other actors involved in strengthening the agricultural statistics system by: - Strengthening the organisation and coordination of Mali's agricultural statistics system; - Strengthening of planning, programming and budgeting in the rural development sector; - Strengthening of the monitoring and evaluation of public policies and of projects and programmes in the rural development sector; - Strengthening of the production and timely dissemination of quality data to inform decision-making processing. |
| Technical assistance to improve sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) management (2020-2022) |
Support to the Directorate of Plant Protection and Packaging (DPVC) to strengthen the existing phytosanitary system, specifically by facilitating the assessment of SPS risks in rice import and by supporting mango exporters to comply with EU SPS rules. |
| Support to the European Union Delegation in Niger to define the priority actions in the 2021-2027 programming in the agricultural private sector in Niger (2021-2022) |
Assistance to the joint definition, with the Nigerien authorities and the EU Member States, of the priority actions in the 2021-2027 programming in support of the development of agro-sylvo-pastoral value chains in Niger. To this end, the team is developing: i) a diagnosis of the agro-sylvo-pastoral private sector, ii) an in-depth analysis of 10 value chains identified as the most promising, and iii) proposals of actions to develop the private agro-food sector in Niger. |
| Monitoring and Evaluation of the New Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) for the season 2020-2021 (2020-2022) |
The objective of the assignment is to assess, via phased M&E, the overall value for money of investments in the new Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP, intended to benefit all smallholder farmers - circa 4.2 million) during the 2020/2021 cropping season in terms of the contribution to agricultural production and food security in Malawi. The M&E assesses the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of AIP 2020/2021, and provides information to the Donor Committee in Agriculture and Food Security (DCAFS) and recommendations to the new Government administration on how best to design, fund and implement future agriculture subsidy programmes for optimal impact. |
| Mid-Term Review of the Afikepo and Kulima Programmes (2020-2021) |
Evaluation of the intermediate results of the Afikepo programme (€74.55 m), which seeks to enhance nutrition security by 1) increasing and diversifying dietary intake of safe and nutritious foods, and 2) increasing the use of enhanced nutrition knowledge and awareness and hygiene practices, and of the Kulima programme (€111 m), which seeks “Sustainable agricultural growth promoted” through 1) increased agricultural productivity and diversified production, 2) the development or establishment of agricultural value chains and employment opportunities, and 3) strengthened agriculture sector governance. |
| Final evaluation of the 'Support for the semi-industrial processing of sugar cane' project (2020) |
The objective of this mission was to evaluate the achievement of the objectively verifiable indicators and the quality of the results: contribution to the impact, effects, results and outcomes of the actions led in the framework of the AMS 2013, Result 1. The analysis also aimed to: i) capitalise on lessons learned and good practices; ii) identify strengths and possible constraints encountered in implementation and formulate recommendations that could improve present and future EU-funded actions; and iii) provide explanations of the cause-effect relationships between the inputs and activities and the outputs, results and impacts. |
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92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +
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