Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists


Selected references
African Development Bank
South-West Region Agricultural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (PRIASO) (2016-2018)
The services involve assistance to Water Users' Associations (WUA) and the development of agricultural areas under the PRIASO project (South-West Region Agricultural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project). Four sites are concerned, the region's main areas of irrigated agriculture. PRIASO aims for the development (rehabilitation or construction) of main channels, dikes, pathways, boreholes, storage warehouses and rural markets. Under the 'capacity building and agricultural development component', this assistance will ensure i) support for irrigation management, ii) support for awareness-raising and the oversight of WUAs, iii) their restructuring by building the social and organisational capacity of the associations and their federation, iv) the technical capacity building of the actors developing these areas, and v) the development and implementation of a project communication and visibility plan.
Central African Republic
African Development Bank
Technical assistance to the Monitoring and Coordination Unit of the Support Programme for Reconstruction of Grassroots Communities (2016-2018)
Technical assistance to the Monitoring and Coordination Unit of phase 1 of the Support Programme for Reconstruction of Grassroots Communities (PARCB 1, EUR 19 million), that aims for the restoration of social services and social cohesion, as well as support for the economic resilience of the populations affected by crises and conflicts.
The support is provided for the award of 39 contracts, from the preparation of the documents (ToR, tender documents, etc.) through to the supervision of implementation.
French Development Agency
Technical assistance to the Myinkun and Kanni Pump Irrigation Projects in the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar (2016-2020)
Technical assistance to the Department of Irrigation and Water Utilisation Management Department (IWUMD) to improve the performance of irrigation infrastructures and institutions and water management at the level of the perimeters, and establishment of mechanisms to support production, agricultural diversification and marketing.
French Development Agency
Support to the Agricultural Small and Medium Enterprises Project (SASME) (2017-2021)
The Consultant is providing global project management support for the SASME project, assisting the National Project Coordination Unit (NPCU) in the overall management and coordination of the activities of the SASME Project. The objective of this project is to improve access to finance for agricultural SMEs via the Agricultural Development Programme (MALR credit fund body) by:
- increasing Agricultural Development Programme lending through the creation of an additional fund dedicated to SMEs;
- providing technical assistance to key stakeholders in agricultural finance;
- increasing SME absorption capacity by establishing an agricultural credit guarantee scheme;
- improving the productive efficiency of the dairy sector and marine aquaculture sector and the efficient use of the resources allocated to them;
- addressing cross-cutting issues.
Study for the definition of a development strategy for the cashew sector in Guinea Bissau (2017-2018)
The objective of this mission is to carry out an in-depth study of the cashew sector that will provide the Government of Guinea Bissau with:
- An overall diagnosis of the cashew sector in Guinea Bissau, including a map of cashew plantations in the country;
- Recommendations for a more appropriate organisation of the sector;
- A national strategic plan for the development of the cashew value chain, taking into account the issue of cash crop diversification.
São Tomé and Príncipe
French Development Agency
Technical assistance for the development and sustainability of the coffee, cocoa and pepper value chains (2016-2020)
The Smallholder Commercial Agriculture Project (PAPAC, 2015-2020, EUR 2.8 million) aims for the development of smallholder plantations, with the objective of enabling 3500 households to have a viable, professional farm in the organic and/or fair trade cocoa, coffee and pepper value chains.
The technical assistance provides general support to the Project Management Unit to carry out the PAPAC, and specific support to four cooperatives on their road to autonomy.
Agricultural consultancy and advisory services in the central zone, provinces of Manica, Sofala, Tete and Zambezia (2016-2017)
The project objectives are to (i) improve provincial agricultural advisory services through the capacity strengthening of the provincial rural extension services (SPERs), of the district economic activity services (SDAEs) and of the agricultural extension officers in the districts, (ii) strengthen the capacity of 480 producers’ groups and support them to legalise producers' associations, (iii) train and support producers' organisations to prepare business plans and to improve commercial agriculture.
Asian Development Bank
Connectivity Improvement for 5 Mekong River Islands (under the Rural Roads Improvement Project - Phase 2): Climate change adaptation framework design and implementation (2016-2019)
Within the Rural Roads Improvement Project II, SOFRECO designs and implements a Climate change adaptation framework on 5 Mekong islands. It deals with: i) multi-sectoral diversification of the economy (incl. tourism, renewable energy, agriculture, SMEs); ii) securing mobility to the mainland for trade, education and health care, and iii) strengthening the planning capacity of the MRD and provincial organisations.
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