Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Economics and statistics

Selected references
European Union
Final evaluation of framework programmes in support of the agreements between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova 2011-2013 (2019-2020)
The Delegation of the European Union to Moldova commissioned an ex-post evaluation of its Framework Programmes "Support of the Agreements between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova 2011-2013", the goals of which were to identify the achievements, determine the quality and results of the Actions, in the context of an evolving co-operation policy, increasingly focused on results-oriented approaches and the implementation of Sustainable development Goals (SDGs). The principal objectives were to conduct an independent assessment of the performance of the Framework Programmes 2011- 2013, identify lessons learned, and provide recommendations to help to improve future programme identification and formulation.
European Union
Energy Sector Policy Support Programme: Second and Third Tranche Compliance Assessment (2018-2019)
The purpose of this assignment was to advise the EU Delegation and evaluate the possibility of releasing of the second and third tranches of the Energy Sector Policy Support Programme on the basis of complete assessment of the performance against the specific Reform Benchmarks.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
European Union
Technical assistance to the Directorate-General for Planning and Development (2014-2015)
The general objective is to improve the budget performance and cross-functional monitoring of the strategy for the cluster-based diversification of the economy.
The specific objectives are to:
- Support the establishment of a budget based on programme objectives;
- Support Congolese authorities in the monitoring and cross-functional implementation of the strategy for the cluster-based diversification of the economy;
- Improve budget implementation control.
French Development Agency
Technical assistance to support implementation of the Kisumu Urban Project (KUP) (2012-2015)
The objective of the services is to assist the Municipal Council of Kisumu in managing and implementing the Kisumu Urban Project. The project should contribute to the Ministry of Local Government’s development objective: to have viable, autonomous, accountable and responsive local authorities.
The main focus of the capacity building services is on strengthening the financial management, strategic planning and contract management of the Municipal Council of Kisumu.
World Bank
Provision of a Central Technical Assistance Team (CTAT) to support the implementation of the Kenya Municipal Programme (2013-2015)
The Government of Kenya, the Client, with support from the World Bank, AFD, and Sida, has initiated a 5-year Kenya Municipal Programme (KMP). The overall objective of the KMP is to strengthen local governance and improve urban service delivery.
The KMP is being implemented in 15 urban municipalities by the Ministry of Local Government (MoLG), through four components:
1. Institutional restructuring and empowering local governments;
2. Participatory strategic planning for urban development;
3. Investment in infrastructure and service delivery; and
4. Programme management, monitoring and evaluation.
The objective of the assignment is to support the MoLG in strengthening its capacities to support the municipalities in the implementation of the KMP, and to play its role as regulator and facilitator of local authorities.
European Union
Technical assistance assignment for a statistical capacity-building support project to monitor the poverty reduction strategy (PARCS) (2012-2014)
The general objective of the programme of which this contract is a part is:
To contribute to the implementation of the National Statistical Development Strategy (NSDS) in order to provide the reliable statistical data necessary to formulate, monitor and evaluate the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
Participatory evaluation of the capacities of the actors involved in implementing the sectoral programmes of the third Senegal-Luxembourg Indicative Programme for Cooperation (2013-2014)
The general objectives of the evaluation are to:
- Evaluate the accounting and financial planning, implementation, reporting/M&E and budget control capacities of the national partner institutions in the implementation of PIC III sectoral programmes;
- Evaluate the contracting capacities of the institutions in charge of public procurement and financing agreements with state partner organisations.
European Union
Capacity building of the Directorate General for Taxation, of the Petroleum Revenue Oversight and Control Committee (CCSRP) and of the Chamber of Audit (2013-2014)
Capacity building support for the staff of taxation and audit administrations (the Directorate General for Taxation, the Petroleum Revenue Oversight and Control Committee (CCSRP) and the Chamber of Audit).
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