Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Economics and statistics

Selected references
European Union
Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Evaluation 2011 (2011-2012)
The objective of this PEFA evaluation was to measure the performance of public finance management in Haiti, to provide reference values for the medium-term evaluation of progress in the public finance reform programme’s implementation, and to foster harmonious dialogue between the authorities and funding agencies based on a common evaluation framework.
This initiative should inform and deepen discussions on improving and strengthening Haiti’s public finance management system, and on revisions to public finance institutional support programmes coordinated between funding agencies and the government.
European Union
Technical assistance to the Decentralization and Local Development Programme (DLDP) (2010-2011)
The TA to the implementation of the DLDP in the Syrian Arab Republic includes:
- consolidating the institutional mechanisms to support local governance processes and modernising administrative units.
- improving service provision and local economic development through the establishment of comprehensive local (and regional) development strategies and an institutional framework.
- enhancing institutional and human capacities at various levels of local public administration.
The project was interrupted in May 2011 following the events in the country. The initial contract amount was EUR 6 994 000 and the initial duration was four years.
European Union
Technical assistance to AGETUR-TOGO and CITAFRIC for the implementation of the Togo Urban Development Programme (2008-2011)
The specific objectives of the contract are to:
- Enable AGETUR-TOGO and CITAFRIC to honour their commitments to the State of Togo within the framework of their mission of representation of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport, Urban Development and Habitat (project management)
- Enable AGETUR-TOGO and CITAFRIC to fulfil their tasks as executive agencies within the framework of this EC financed project.
European Union
Public Expenditure Review in the Education Sector in Namibia and Support to financial management functions and budget preparation (2010-2011)
The objectives of this mission were to:
1.) Support national authorities with the undertaking of the Public Expenditure Review (PER) in the education sector through a pilot exercise.
2.) Strengthen the budget preparation and budgetary allocation processes of the Ministry of Education in line with the findings of the systems institutional analysis, the capacity building needs analysis and the recommendations emanating from the PER.
3.) Initiate all preparatory work required to launch a public expenditure tracking survey meant to take place in 2011 to inform the budget preparation process for 2012-2013.
World Bank
Advisory Support to Improve Budget Planning and Mid-term Budgeting and Methodology Support for Programme Based Budgeting (2010-2011)
The objective was to provide advisory support to MoF officials on designing a methodology for the major spending units to implement mid-term budgeting.
European Union
Implementation of the public finance reform communication and awareness raising strategy and plan (2010-2011)
Support to the Technical Secretariat of Public Finance Reform (STRFP) for the design, organisation, coordination and implementation of communication actions to accompany the changes brought about by the public finance modernisation plan and the new financial system, in accordance with the strategy adopted by the Public Finance Reform Steering Committee.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
European Union
Technical Assistance in support of the Consultative Group (2011)
The specific objective of this mission is to support the operationalisation of the interministerial programme to secure income from natural resources by supporting the Consultative Group’s activities, and establishing a sustainable structure for the different stakeholders (ministries in charge of mines, finance, and the environment, unions and others) devoted to the harmonisation and validation of statistical and tax data.
World Bank
Organisation of Training for the Development of Macroeconomic Forecasting Models (2010)
The objective of this assignment was to organise and deliver training for representatives of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine on macroeconomic forecasting models and the organisation of macro forecasting within the state economic policy system.
Two study visits (one to France and one to the UK) on issues of macroeconomic forecasting modelling were organised. The programme of the visits included meetings with executive specialists and research fellows directly involved in the macroeconomic forecasting system of the country at governmental and non-governmental levels.
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